Forget your friends house party this year and come join ours benefiting the K-COCA Scholarship Fund.
π Gun Raffles
π General Raffles
π Silent Auctions
π Betting Squares
π Hosted Bar by McGarry’s Irish Pub
π New York Steak Dinner
Sunday, February 12th, 2023 2PM-8:30PM
15100 Sunnybank Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93314
Call now to purchase tickets. Debbie: 661-330-8740 or purchase online here:
Questions? Robin: 661-747-6462 Phil: 661-699-0449
All Proceeds from the event will go to the K-COCA scholarship fund which seeks to assist local Kern County High School Students who plan to remain in, or return to, Kern County after completing their post-secondary education. All contributions are tax deductible as KERN COUNTY OIL CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION IS A 501C-3 #47-5043999 NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION.